Thank you for your interest in supporting one or more of the Cross Street Peru Mission Team members. Each one of these team members are vitally important to this years team. Team members will be serving in various ways on this mission to Peru.
- We plan on doing Eyeglass Clinic Outreaches, Evangelism, Hosting a Youth Camp for Peruvian Youth, building a PreFab Home and more!
- We will be doing dramas, music, sharing testimonies, teaching the Bible and praying for people.
- We will be teaming up with some Peruvian youth missionaries to accomplish this years mission from June 12-21, 2020. 100% of your gift will go towards the person you donate too.
Team members need $1,500 to cover the expense of the 10 day trip. These funds will cover their airfare, ground transportation, food and lodging, and help cover the expense of projects they’ll be working on in Peru. Thank you for caring enough to help SEND them! God bless you!
Your donation is tax deductible. Cross Street is a part of Message Ministries and Missions which is a 501c3 Non Profit Organization.