Welcome To Cross Street

Welcome to the Cross Street website! 
First, we want you to know how much God loves you.  He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross to prove it to you, me and the whole wide world.

Our desire at Cross Street is to help you make a connection with God, and once you do, to help you in your desire to follow Him. In the coming days we will be adding all kinds of articles, downloads and links that will help you with your walk with the Lord.  We welcome your ideas!  Please send us any links, articles or anything that you think will be a blessing to those that are seeking God.

We are here for you, so please feel free to write us.  Sign up for our e-mail list on the contact us page and we will send you updates of Cross Street events.

These events include:

  • Cross Street Youth Camp
  • Cross Street Youth Advance
  • Cross Street Mission Trips
  • Hearts on Fire Discipleship Groups and more!

In His service,  Cross Street Leaders
